antidote antídoto


antidote = antídoto

Pronunciation =  antidote

Pronunciation in Spanish = antídoto

antidote in Spanish: antídoto

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: a medicine taken or given to counteract a particular poison. 

Definition in Spanish: un medicamento que se toma o se administra para contrarrestar un veneno en particular.

Examples in English:

  • She was told that there was no antidote for the deadly venom.

Examples in Spanish:

  • Le dijeron que no había antídoto para el veneno mortal.

Synonyms of antidote

Synonyms in Spanish contraveneno
Synonyms in English corrective, cure, remedy, medicine

Antonyms of antidote

Antonyms in Spanish enfermedad
Antonyms in English disease

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