
The words that have opposite or almost opposite meanings are referred to as ‘Antonyms’. A word can have more than one antonym. It need not necessarily be the exact opposite meaning of that particular word, it can also be a group of words that convey an opposite idea of the word.

For example, the word ‘arrogant’ does not have a direct opposite as such. It can be a group of words that convey a positive meaning as opposed to the negative meaning that the word ‘arrogant’ has. Hence, the antonyms for ‘arrogant’ can be ‘humble’, ‘polite’, ‘courteous’ and so on. This is how antonyms work. ‘Antonyms’ cannot be narrowed down to ‘opposite meaning words’.Let’s take a look at some common antonyms.

A List Commonly used Antonyms

Above – Below

Absent – Present

Achieve – Fail

Add – Subtract

Afraid – Confident

After – Before

Amateur – Professional

Ancient – Modern

Argue – Agree

Arrive – Depart

Arrogant – Humble

Ascend – Descend

Attack – Defend

Awake – Asleep

Bad – Good

Beautiful – Ugly

Before – After

Better – Worse

Big – Little

Birth – Death

Black – White

Blunt – Sharp

Bold – Timid

Brave – Cowardly

Brief – Long

Bright – Dull

Busy – Idle

Buy – Sell

Cautious – Careless

Cheap – Expensive

Clean – Dirty

Close – Open

Cold – Hot

Complex – Simple

Compliment – Insult

Cool – Warm

Joy – Sadness

Kind – Cruel

Knowledge – Ignorance

Last – First

Laugh – Cry

Less – More

Lie – Truth

Like – Dislike

Likely – Unlikely

Liquid – Solid

Lonely – Crowded

Long – Short

Loose – Tight

Lost – Found

Love – Hate

Major – Minor

Man – Woman

Marvelous – Terrible

Mature – Immature

Maximum – Minimum

Mix – Separate

Moist – Dry

More – Less

Most – Least

Move – Stay

Near – Far

Never – Always

New – Old

Noisey – Quiet

None – All

North – South

Nothing – Something

Now – Then

Obvious – Hidden

Odd – Even

Often – Seldom


Stay – Leave

Stiff – Flexible

Stop – Go

Strength – Weakness

Strong – Weak

Student – Teacher

Sturdy – Weak

Sunny – Cloudy

Superb – Inferior

Tame – Wild

Teach – Learn

Temporary – Permanent

Thin – Wide

Tidy – Messy

Timid – Bold

Together – Apart

Top – Bottom

Toward – Away

Tragic – Comic

Transparent – Opaque

Triumph – Defeat

True – False

Union – Separation

Unique – Common

Upset – Stabilize

Urge – Deter

Vacant – Occupied

Vague – Definite

Vertical – Horizontal

Victory – Defeat

Villain – Hero

Visible – Invisible

Wax – Wane

Wealth – Poverty

Well – Sick

Wet – Dry



This set of antonyms might have given you an idea about how antonyms work. Try to come up with an antonym for every word that you come across in daily life. This will help you improve your vocabulary as you are going to learn a lot of new words in the process.Being aware of terms like ‘antonyms’, ‘synonyms’ and what they mean will give your English learning efforts a boost. Happy Learning!