bluff bluffer


bluff = bluffer

Pronunciation =  bluff

Pronunciation in french = bluffer

bluff in french: bluffer

Part of speechnoun

Definition in English: an attempt to deceive someone into believing that one can or is going to do something.

try to deceive someone as to one’s abilities or intentions. 

Definition in french: une tentative de tromper quelqu’un en lui faisant croire qu’on peut ou qu’on va faire quelque chose.

essayer de tromper quelqu’un sur ses capacités ou ses intentions.

Examples in English:

  • He has been trying to bluff me.

Examples in french:

  • Il a essayé de me bluffer.

Synonyms of bluff

Synonyms in french Tricher,
Synonyms in English cheat, deceive

Antonyms of bluff

Antonyms in french honnête,
Antonyms in English honest, true

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