chills Okan


chills = Okan

Pronunciation =  chills

Pronunciation in Japanese = 悪寒

chills in Japanese: Okan

Part of speechNoun


Definition in English: Noun: A sensation of cold with convulsive shaking of the body, pinched face, pale skin, and blue lips, caused by undue cooling of the body or by nervous excitement or forming the precursor of some constitutional disturbance, as of a fever.

Verb: To strike with a chill; to make chilly; to cause to shiver; to affect with cold.

Definition in Japanese: 名詞:体の過度の冷却、神経質な興奮、または発熱などの体質障害の前兆を形成することによって引き起こされる、体のけいれん性の震え、顔のつままれ、皮膚の青白さ、口唇チアノーゼを伴う冷感。

動詞:冷静に打つこと。 肌寒くする; 震えさせる; 風邪に影響を与える。

Examples in English:

  • It gives me chills when you say it like that

Examples in Japanese:

  • あなたがそのように言うとき、それは私に悪寒を与えます

Synonyms of chills

Synonyms in Japanese 霜、震え、氷、風邪
Synonyms in English shivers, frosts, shivering, ices, colds

Antonyms of chills

Antonyms in Japanese 発火、沸騰
Antonyms in English ignites, boils

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