contraband Wéijìn


contraband = Wéijìn

Pronunciation =  contraband

Pronunciation in Chinese = 违禁

contraband in Chinese: Wéijìn

Part of speechnoun

Definition in English: goods that have been imported or exported illegally, either in defiance of a total ban or without payment of duty 

Definition in Chinese: 违反全面禁令或未缴纳关税而非法进口或出口的货物

Examples in English:

  • Many dealers were arrested for selling contraband cigarettes and working illegally.

Examples in Chinese:

  • 许多经销商因销售违禁卷烟和非法工作而被捕。

Synonyms of contraband

Synonyms in Chinese 违禁品,
Synonyms in English smuggling, illegal traffic, black marketeering, trafficking, bootlegging

Antonyms of contraband

Antonyms in Chinese 合法的
Antonyms in English legal, permitted, allowed, lawful

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