convoy Gosōsen-dan


convoy = Gosōsen-dan

Pronunciation =  convoy

Pronunciation in Japanese = 護送船団

convoy in Japanese: Gosōsen-dan

Part of speechnoun

Definition in English: a group of ships or vehicles travelling together, typically one accompanied by armed troops, warships, or other vehicles for protection.
(of a warship or armed troops) accompany (a group of ships or vehicles) for protection. 

Definition in Japanese: 一緒に移動する船または車両のグループ。通常、武装した軍隊、軍艦、または保護のための他の車両を伴うもの。

Examples in English:

  • The huge convoy of trucks lumbered out of the city.

Examples in Japanese:

  • トラックの巨大な護送船団が街から出てきました。

Synonyms of convoy

Synonyms in Japanese 艦隊
Synonyms in English group, fleet, cavalcade, escort, accompany, attend.

Antonyms of convoy

Antonyms in Japanese 離れる
Antonyms in English leave

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