debt-ridden criblé de dettes

criblé de dettes

debt-ridden = criblé de dettes

Pronunciation =  debt-ridden

Pronunciation in French = criblé de dettes

debt-ridden in French: criblé de dettes

Part of speechadjective 

Definition in English: Brought into debt; being under obligation; held to payment or requital 

Definition in French: Endetté; être dans l’obligation ; tenu au paiement ou à la rétribution

Examples in English:

  • Help is seldom available for debt-ridden citizens

Examples in French:

  • L’aide est rarement disponible pour les citoyens criblés de dettes

Synonyms of debt-ridden

Synonyms in French endetté,
Synonyms in English deeply in debt,

Antonyms of debt-ridden

Antonyms in French riche,
couronné de succès
Antonyms in English affluent,

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