foldable plegable


foldable = plegable

Pronunciation =  foldable

Pronunciation in Spanish = plegable

foldable in Spanish: plegable

Part of speechAdjective 

Definition in English: capable of being folded up and stored 

Definition in Spanish: Capaz de ser plegada y almacenada (feminine)
Capaz de ser plegado y almacenado (masculine)

Examples in English:

  • Rocking chairs and foldable chairs are also included

Examples in Spanish:

  • También se incluyen mecedoras y sillas plegables.

Synonyms of foldable

Synonyms in Spanish Plegable, doblada (feminine)
doblado (masculine)
Synonyms in English folding, collapsible, collapsable, fold back, bending

Antonyms of foldable

Antonyms in Spanish No colapsable, rígida (feminine)
No colapsable, rígido (masculine)
Antonyms in English noncollapsible, stiff

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