friendly amistoso


friendly = amistoso

Pronunciation =  friendly

Pronunciation in Spanish = amistoso

friendly in Spanish: amistoso

Part of speechadjective

Definition in English: behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards someone.
a game or match that does not form part of a serious competition. 

Definition in Spanish: comportarse de una manera agradable y amable con alguien.
un juego o partido que no forma parte de una competición seria.

Examples in English:

  • Ram is very friendly with everyone.

Examples in Spanish:

  • Ram es muy amigable con todas. (feminine)
    Ram es muy amigable con todos. (masculine)

Synonyms of friendly

Synonyms in Spanish sociable, genial, cálido, extrovertido, hospitalario, accesible, fácil de llevarse bien con, accesible, comunicativo, abierto, sin reservas, tranquilo, bondadoso
Synonyms in English sociable, genial, warm, outgoing, hospitable, approachable, easy to get along with, accessible, communicative, open, unreserved, easy-going, good-natured

Antonyms of friendly

Antonyms in Spanish Insociable, antipática, inhóspita (feminine)
Insociable, antipático, inhóspito (masculine)
Antonyms in English unsociable, unfriendly, inhospitable

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