fuji Fùshì


fuji = Fùshì

Pronunciation =  fuji

Pronunciation in Chinese = 富士

fuji in Chinese: Fùshì

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: an extinct volcano in south central Honshu that is the highest peak in Japan; last erupted in 1707 

Definition in Chinese: 本州中南部的一座死火山,是日本的最高峰;最后一次喷发是在 1707 年

Examples in English:

  • We can see mt. Fuji over there

Examples in Chinese:

  • 我们可以看到山。富士那边

Synonyms of fuji

Synonyms in Chinese 富士山
Synonyms in English fujiyama

Antonyms of fuji

Antonyms in Chinese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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