gracious gracieux


gracious = gracieux

Pronunciation =  gracious

Pronunciation in French = gracieux

gracious in French: gracieux

Part of speechadjective 

Definition in English: courteous, kind, and pleasant, especially towards someone of lower social status. 

Definition in French: courtois, gentil et agréable, surtout envers une personne de statut social inférieur.

Examples in English:

  • To their credit they never gave up trying and were equally gracious in defeat as in victory.

Examples in French:

  • A leur crédit, ils n’ont jamais renoncé à essayer et ont été aussi gracieux dans la défaite que dans la victoire.

Synonyms of gracious

Synonyms in French gracieuse,
Synonyms in English courteous, polite, civil, chivalrous, well mannered, decorous, gentlemanly, ladylike, civilized, tactful, diplomatic

Antonyms of gracious

Antonyms in French désobligeant
Antonyms in English ungracious

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