heart cœur


heart = cœur

Pronunciation =  heart

Pronunciation in French = cœur

heart in French: cœur

Part of speechNoun 

Definition in English: the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs; its rhythmic contractions move the blood through the body

the locus of feelings and intuitions 

Definition in French: l’organe musculaire creux situé derrière le sternum et entre les poumons; ses contractions rythmiques font circuler le sang à travers le corps

le lieu des sentiments et des intuitions

Examples in English:

  • A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge

Examples in French:

  • Un cœur aimant est le début de toute connaissance

Synonyms of heart

Synonyms in French noyau, centre, âme
Synonyms in English core, center, soul

Antonyms of heart

Antonyms in French cruauté, lâcheté
Antonyms in English cruelty, cowardice

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