hesitate dudar


hesitate = dudar

Pronunciation =  hesitate

Pronunciation in Spanish = dudar

hesitate in Spanish: dudar

Part of speechverb 

Definition in English: pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness 

Definition in Spanish:
hacer una pausa o contenerse en la incertidumbre o falta de voluntad

Examples in English:

  • I would not hesitate to do my duty

Examples in Spanish:

  • no dudaría en cumplir con mi deber

Synonyms of hesitate

Synonyms in Spanish vacilar
ser reacio,
ser incierto,
ser dudoso
Synonyms in English pause,
be reluctant,
be uncertain,
be doubtful

Antonyms of hesitate

Antonyms in Spanish persistir,
estar seguro,
tener confianza,
estar completamente convencido
Antonyms in English persist,
be certain,
be confident,
be fully convinced

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