hideout Cángshēn chǔ

Cángshēn chǔ

hideout = Cángshēn chǔ

Pronunciation =  hideout

Pronunciation in Chinese = 藏身处

hideout in Chinese: Cángshēn chǔ

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: a hiding place; usually a remote place used by outlaws 

Definition in Chinese: 藏身之处;通常是不法分子使用的偏远地方

Examples in English:

  • we are building a hideout in the ice

Examples in Chinese:

  • 我们正在冰中建造一个藏身处

Synonyms of hideout

Synonyms in Chinese 世外桃源,
Synonyms in English hideaway

Antonyms of hideout

Antonyms in Chinese 危险地带
Antonyms in English dangerous zone

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