hospice Línzhōng guānhuái

Línzhōng guānhuái

hospice = Línzhōng guānhuái

Pronunciation =  hospice

Pronunciation in Chinese = 临终关怀

hospice in Chinese: Línzhōng guānhuái

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: a program of medical and emotional care for the terminally ill 

Definition in Chinese: 为绝症患者提供医疗和情感护理计划

Examples in English:

  • His brother is in a hospice dying of cancer

Examples in Chinese:

  • 他的兄弟在临终关怀中死于癌症

Synonyms of hospice

Synonyms in Chinese 养老院、
Synonyms in English nursing home,
old age home

Antonyms of hospice

Antonyms in Chinese NA
Antonyms in English NA

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