jeggings jeggings


jeggings = jeggings

Pronunciation =  jeggings

Pronunciation in French = jeggings

jeggings in French: jeggings

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English:
tight-fitting stretch pants for women, styled to resemble a pair of denim jeans. 

Definition in French: pantalon stretch moulant pour femme, conçu pour ressembler à une paire de jeans en denim.

Examples in English:

  • She wore long black jeggings and a tight-fitting top

Examples in French:

  • Elle portait de longs jeggings noirs et un haut moulant

Synonyms of jeggings

Synonyms in French jambières
Synonyms in English leggings

Antonyms of jeggings

Antonyms in French NA
Antonyms in English NA

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