light Hikari


light = Hikari

Pronunciation =  light

Pronunciation in Japanese = 

light in Japanese: Hikari

Part of speechNoun adjective 

Definition in English: Noun : the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible

Adjective : having a considerable or sufficient amount of natural light; not dark 

Definition in Japanese: 名詞:視覚を刺激し、物事を見えるようにする天然のエージェント

形容詞:かなりまたは十分な量の自然光を持っている; 暗くない

Examples in English:

  • This light is red in colour

Examples in Japanese:

  • この光は赤色です。

Synonyms of light

Synonyms in Japanese ランプ、トーチ、懐中電灯、
Synonyms in English lamp, torch, flashlight,
bright brilliant

Antonyms of light

Antonyms in Japanese 闇、夜、
Antonyms in English darkness, nighttime,
dark, gloomy

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