lol MDR


lol = MDR

Pronunciation =  lol

Pronunciation in French = MDR

lol in French: MDR

Part of speechVerb 

Definition in English: used to draw attention to a joke or amusing statement, or to express amusement.

laugh audibly or be amused. 

Definition in French: utilisé pour attirer l’attention sur une blague ou une déclaration amusante, ou pour exprimer un amusement.

rire de manière audible ou être amusé.

Examples in English:

  • I literally LOL’d when the updates popped up

Examples in French:

  • J’ai littéralement LOL’d quand les mises à jour sont apparues

Synonyms of lol

Synonyms in French rire aux éclats
Synonyms in English laugh out loud, laughing out loud

Antonyms of lol

Antonyms in French pleurer
Antonyms in English cry, grieve

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English is one of the most widely spoken languages across the globe and a common language of choice for people from different backgrounds trying to communicate with each other. This is the reason why English is the second language learned by most of the people.

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