magic la magie

la magie

magic = la magie

Pronunciation =  magic

Pronunciation in French = la magie

magic in French: la magie

Part of speechnoun

Definition in English: the power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces
having or apparently having supernatural powers 

Definition in French: le pouvoir d’influencer apparemment des événements en utilisant des forces mystérieuses ou surnaturelles
avoir ou avoir apparemment des pouvoirs surnaturels

Examples in English:

  • He always wanted to learn magic.

Examples in French:

  • Il a toujours voulu apprendre la magie.

Synonyms of magic

Synonyms in French sorcellerie, séduction, mystère, astuces
Synonyms in English wizardry, allurement, mystery, tricks

Antonyms of magic

Antonyms in French réalité, normal, banal
Antonyms in English reality, normal, mundane

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