oval ovale


oval = ovale

Pronunciation =  oval

Pronunciation in French = ovale

oval in French: ovale

Part of speechAdjective


Definition in English: adjective: rounded like an egg

noun: a closed plane curve resulting from the intersection of a circular cone and a plane cutting completely through it 

Definition in French: adjectif: arrondi comme un œuf

nom: une courbe plane fermée résultant de l’intersection d’un cône circulaire et d’un plan la coupant complètement

Examples in English:

  • I noticed the single oval mirror in my dressing table

Examples in French:

  • J’ai remarqué le miroir ovale unique dans ma coiffeuse

Synonyms of oval

Synonyms in French ellipse, elliptique
Synonyms in English elliptical, ellipse, elliptic

Antonyms of oval

Antonyms in French angulaire
Antonyms in English angular

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