pitchy piquant


pitchy = piquant

Pronunciation =  pitchy

Pronunciation in French = piquant

pitchy in French: piquant

Part of speechAdjective 

Definition in English: of the blackest black; similar to the color of jet or coal 

Definition in French: du noir le plus noir; similaire à la couleur du jais ou du charbon

Examples in English:

  • Big bonfires made of pitchy pinewood have a peculiar mystic fascination.

Examples in French:

  • Les grands feux de joie en bois de pin piqué ont une fascination mystique particulière.

Synonyms of pitchy

Synonyms in French fuligineux
Synonyms in English sooty

Antonyms of pitchy

Antonyms in French brillant
blanc craie
Antonyms in English bright

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