please s’il te plaît

s’il te plaît

please = s’il te plaît

Pronunciation =  please

Pronunciation in French = s’il te plaît

please in French: s’il te plaît

Part of speechVerb


Definition in English: Verb : give pleasure to or be pleasing to

Adverb : used in polite request 

Definition in French: Verbe: donner du plaisir ou plaire à

Adverbe: utilisé dans une requête polie

Examples in English:

  • But please stop posting that particular conspiracy theory

Examples in French:

  • Mais arrêtez de publier cette théorie du complot en particulier

Synonyms of please

Synonyms in French souhaiter, gentiment, satisfaire, demander
Synonyms in English wish, kindly, satisfy, request

Antonyms of please

Antonyms in French déplaire, contrarié, abattu
Antonyms in English displease, upset, deject

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About English Language

English is one of the most widely spoken languages across the globe and a common language of choice for people from different backgrounds trying to communicate with each other. This is the reason why English is the second language learned by most of the people.

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