prescriptive vorschreibend


prescriptive = vorschreibend

Pronunciation =  prescriptive

Pronunciation in German = vorschreibend

prescriptive in German: vorschreibend

Part of speechAdjective 

Definition in English: telling people exactly how something should be done

explaining the rules of how a language should be used rather than describing how it is used 

Definition in German: Leuten genau sagen, wie etwas zu tun ist

die Regeln zu erklären, wie eine Sprache verwendet werden sollte, anstatt zu beschreiben, wie sie verwendet wird

Examples in English:

  • We do not want to be prescriptive.

Examples in German:

  • Wir wollen nicht vorschreibend sein.

Synonyms of prescriptive

Synonyms in German diktatorisch
autoritär verordnend
Synonyms in English dictatorial

Antonyms of prescriptive

Antonyms in German frei und einfach
Antonyms in English free and easy

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English is one of the most widely spoken languages across the globe and a common language of choice for people from different backgrounds trying to communicate with each other. This is the reason why English is the second language learned by most of the people.

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