rock Yánshí


rock = Yánshí

Pronunciation =  rock

Pronunciation in Chinese = 岩石

rock in Chinese: Yánshí

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: the solid mineral material forming part of the surface of the earth and other similar planets, exposed on the surface or underlying the soil 

Definition in Chinese: 固体矿物材料,构成地球和其他类似行星表面的一部分,暴露在表面或土壤下面

Examples in English:

  • Even the hardest of the rocks tend to dissolve with time.

Examples in Chinese:

  • 即使最坚硬的岩石也会随着时间的流逝而溶解。

Synonyms of rock

Synonyms in Chinese 石头,微积分,发牢骚,石头
Synonyms in English stone, calculus, whin, stone

Antonyms of rock

Antonyms in Chinese 海绵状,柔软,稀烂
Antonyms in English spongy, soft, pulpy

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