sales Ventas


sales = Ventas

Pronunciation =  sales

Pronunciation in Spanish = Ventas

sales in Spanish: Ventas

Part of speechNoun 

Definition in English: the exchange of a commodity for money; the action of selling something.

a period during which a shop or dealer sells goods at reduced prices. 

Definition in Spanish: el intercambio de una mercancía por dinero; la acción de vender algo.

un período durante el cual una tienda o distribuidor vende productos a precios reducidos.

Examples in English:

  • Sales are up by $6,000 this month.

Examples in Spanish:

  • Nuestro principal objetivo es aumentar las ventas en Europa.

Synonyms of sales

Synonyms in Spanish venta
relación comercial
Synonyms in English selling

Antonyms of sales

Antonyms in Spanish compra
Antonyms in English purchase

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