save Bǎocún


save = Bǎocún

Pronunciation =  save

Pronunciation in Chinese = 保存

save in Chinese: Bǎocún

Part of speechnoun

Definition in English:
(in soccer and hockey) an act of preventing an opponent’s scoring
keep safe or rescue (someone or something) from harm or danger 

Definition in Chinese: (在足球和曲棍球中)防止对手得分的行为

Examples in English:

  • They like to save money for future emergencies.

Examples in Chinese:

  • 他们喜欢为将来的紧急情况省钱。

Synonyms of save

Synonyms in Chinese 赎回,保护,营救,奴役,保障
Synonyms in English redeem, protect, rescue, slavage, safeguard

Antonyms of save

Antonyms in Chinese 攻击,投降,浪费,花费
Antonyms in English attack, surrender, waste, spend

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