shtick shtick


shtick = shtick

Pronunciation =  shtick

Pronunciation in French = shtick

shtick in French: shtick

Part of speechNoun 

Definition in English: a gimmick, comic routine, style of performance, etc. associated with a particular person.

a person’s special talent, interest, or area of activity. 

Definition in French: un gadget, une routine comique, un style de performance, etc. associé à une personne en particulier.

le talent particulier, l’intérêt ou le domaine d’activité d’une personne.

Examples in English:

  • That joke is part of his shtick. 

Examples in French:

  • Cette blague fait partie de son shtick.

Synonyms of shtick

Synonyms in French bouffonnerie
Synonyms in English buffoonery

Antonyms of shtick

Antonyms in French gravité
Antonyms in English seriousness

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