
A simile is a very interesting figure of speech. It relates or compares two entirely different things in a very interesting manner. The main idea behind using a simile is to ignite a connection in the reader’s mind about how wonderfully the things are presented in the simile.Similes are a very common form of figurative language. You can find similes everywhere around you. You can find them in poems, lyrics, stories and even in day to day conversations.Just take a minute to think if you knowingly or unknowingly use similes while you talk or write something.

Similes and metaphors are never the same. They are always confused with each other. The best way to understand the difference between a simile and a metaphor is to see if ‘like’ or ‘as’ is used. Similes use ‘as’ or ‘like’ to give the comparison but metaphors don’t. An example of a simile is: He is as tough as iron. An example of a metaphor is: He is an iron man.

Similes in Everyday Language

Similes are very often used to make the literature rich and artistic. In day to day conversations, it can be used to convey the meaning very effectively and precisely. It is done better through similes. For example, when one says “He is as busy as a bee,” it means he is a very hardworking man who is always busy with no time to spare. Bees are also known to be very busy creatures.

Some other well-known similes you will often hear are:


  • As cute as a kitten
  • As happy as a clam
  • As light as a feather
  • As blind as a bat
  • As bold as brass
  • As bright as a button
  • As shiny as a new pin
  • As cold as ice
  • As common as dirt
  • As cool as a cucumber
  • As hard as nails
  • As hot as hell
  • As innocent as a lamb
  • As tall as a giraffe
  • As tough as nails
  • As white as a ghost
  • As sweet as sugar
  • As black as coal