See in Japanese

telemetry telemetria


telemetry = telemetria

Pronunciation =  telemetry

Pronunciation in Spanish = telemetria

telemetry in Spanish: telemetria

Part of speech Noun 

Definition in English : Telemetry automatically collects, transmits and measures data from remote sources, using sensors and other devices to collect data. 

Definition in Spanish : La telemetría recopila, transmite y mide automáticamente datos de fuentes remotas, utilizando sensores y otros dispositivos para recopilar datos.

Examples in English :

  • This telemetry streamed back to earth.

Examples in Spanish :

  • Esta telemetría regresó a la Tierra.

Synonyms of telemetry

Synonyms in Spanish Teletipo
Synonyms in English Teletype

Antonyms of telemetry

Antonyms in Spanish inactividad
no estándar
Antonyms in English inactivity

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English is one of the most widely spoken languages across the globe and a common language of choice for people from different backgrounds trying to communicate with each other. This is the reason why English is the second language learned by most of the people.

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