2019 resolutions

Here’s a list of Top 10 New Year resolutions for 2019. Which one do you think you will pick?

  1.  Lose weight – This is the most common resolution of all which people may year after year. Hope you are able to achieve it this year!
  2. Exercise more – Being fit is extremely essential for a long, happy life.  Regular exercise keeps you healthy and energized. So, I would say, a must-do for all.
  3. Quit smoking – Everyone knows that smoking is bad for you, but quitting can pose a big challenge. Smoking affects nearly all organs of the body. So, if you are planning on quitting, I sure do pray that you are able to achieve this one for sure!
  4. Quit drinking – Many of us drink alcohol to relax, but too much drinking can affect our physical and mental health.  Too much of anything is bad.
  5. More family time – As we are getting closer and closer to technology, we are moving farther and farther away from our family and friends. This New Year resolve to disconnect to reconnect!
  6. Take a trip – like they say “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. So, if you have been planning that trip for long but have not been able to do it.. Go for it now!!
  7. Get more organized – Being organized not only saves a lot of time and effort but money and energy too. This one should definitely be adopted.
  8. Get out of debts –  Repay all your debts. Live free.
  9. Learn something new –  Learning is an on-going process. It should never stop. Resolve to learn something new this year. It will add value to your personality.
  10. Enjoy life more – We shall live only once.  Be positive. Be stress-free. Life is all about overlooking the imperfections. Stay happy. Enjoy!!

To know the meaning of the word ‘Resolution’ in Hindi.. click here 

To know the meaning of the word ‘Resolution’ in Telugu.. click here

To k now the meaning of the word ‘Resolution’ in Tamil.. click here