anencephaly Mu nōshō

Mu nōshō

anencephaly = Mu nōshō

Pronunciation =  anencephaly

Pronunciation in Japanese = 無脳症

anencephaly in Japanese: Mu nōshō

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: a defect in brain development resulting in small or missing brain hemispheres 

Definition in Japanese: 大脳半球が小さいか欠落している脳の発達の欠陥

Examples in English:

  • I’m doing a paper on ethics and one of the cases is about Baby Theresa who was born with anencephaly.

Examples in Japanese:

  • 私は倫理に関する論文を書いていますが、その1つは、無脳症で生まれたベイビーテレサに関するものです。

Synonyms of anencephaly

Synonyms in Japanese 無脳症
Synonyms in English anencephalia
congenital defects
congenital anomalies

Antonyms of anencephaly

Antonyms in Japanese NA
Antonyms in English #N/A

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