Spoken by over 1.3 billion people across the globe, Mandarin is considered to be spoken by almost 16% of the entire global population.
Furthermore, there are three major varieties of Chinese when the entire language is considered. The most common dialect is Mandarin along with the other two, Wu and Yue. Furthermore, the standard Chinese or more commonly known as the standard Mandarin is directly based on the Beijing dialect of Madrid which was globally adopted in the 1930s.
Let’s now see if learning Mandarin is an advantage in Europe.
Most of the individuals who wish to learn a new language, especially of a foreign one, intend to learn this new language so as to be able to utilise it in their future.
There could be multiple other reasons why they might be learning this new language but the majority of the reasons for learning a new language is simply to be able to utilise it to expand their career opportunities, job prospects or maybe even attain higher education abroad. With that said, certain countries favour certain languages and certain industries do the same. Therefore, if you have a specific country or an industry or even a place in mind, it would be smart of you to explore whether the language you have chosen to Master is even useful in that place or industry. Hence, in this blog, we will discover whether learning Mandarin would be an advantage in Europe.
Mandarin is considered to be one of the most influential and beneficial languages in the world.
There is no doubt that learning Mandarin is bound to help you enjoy a certain advantage in the global market especially because the Chinese market has a pretty strong ground in the global market and contributes greatly to the global economy.
With that said, there still exist certain regions, countries and industries that do not find Mandarin as useful as certain other languages.
One of these places is Europe. Here languages like English, French and German seem to be way more useful and resourceful than languages like Mandarin, Japanese or even Korean. Hence, when it comes to a region like Europe, your best bet would be to utilise one of the big three western languages rather than a language like Mandarin.
Through this blog, we have discovered all the different reasons why Mandarin is one of the most beneficial languages yet would not be af advantage in Europe.
In order to avail all the benefits that Mandarin has to offer, you simply have to learn Mandarin. There is absolutely no doubt that this language is one of the most beneficial languages. With that said, as previously mentioned, certain languages are specifically beneficial only in certain countries and industries. Similarly, Mandarin is exceptionally beneficial in China but would not be as beneficial in Europe. Simply because the number of people who speak Chinese Mandarin in Europe is quite less when compared to the number of people who speak Mandarin in China itself.