How to learn Spanish grammar?
The Spanish language is a part of the Ibero-Romance group of languages of the Indo-European language family, which evolved from several dialects of Vulgar Latin in Iberia after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century. The oldest Latin texts with traces of Spanish come from mid-northern Iberia in the 9th century, and the first systematic written use of the language happened in Toledo, a prominent city of the Kingdom of Castile, in the 13th century. Modern Spanish was then taken to the viceroyalties of the Spanish Empire beginning in 1492, most notably to the Americas, as well as territories in Africa and the Philippines.
As a Romance language, Spanish is a descendant of Latin and has one of the smaller degrees of difference from it (about 20%) alongside Sardinian and Italian.
Many of you have a question: How to learn Spanish grammar? So you have come to the right place. In this blog we will look at 7 Strategies to learn Spanish grammar.
Read Spanish-Related Blogs
By reading blogs you can find quality posts about Spanish grammar written by experienced teachers and linguists. And it’s free! If your wish is to learn Spanish grammar on your own, I can’t think of a better way to start than by reading Spanish-related blogs and websites.
Watch Spanish-Related Videos
Back in the day before apps, YouTube was king. And apps still haven’t come close to dethroning it. You can easily find YouTube videos about anything you might be curious about, and Spanish grammar is no exception. Spanish Academy TV produces insightful and entertaining videos about all kinds of Spanish-related topics. From the most complex and specific grammar concept to more lighthearted cultural themes, the content offered by this channel is always positive and helpful for those embarking on a Spanish-learning journey.
Download Apps
The best way to learn Spanish may be one that is always available in the palm of your hand. Downloading an app on your phone gives you the benefit of immediacy and the ability to learn Spanish at any time of day. With apps, you can study while waiting for the bus or in bed before going to sleep. Another benefit of using apps such as Multibhashi, Duolingo or Memrise, for example, is that they turn the learning process into a game to keep you interested.
Use a Textbook
Sometimes, the traditional approach is the best way to learn Spanish. Textbooks follow a blueprint and are one of the most suitable tools for a grammar-centred learning process. They’re also easy to find if you know how to categorize your Spanish level. Learn about the CEFR for more details on your Spanish level since many books use this system.
Rely on Worksheets
Using free worksheets is another interesting way to learn Spanish on your own. You can search for the topic of your lesson on the internet and just add the word “worksheet” at the end of your search term. The results will surprise you, as lots of free printable resources are out there.
Read Spanish Books and Newspapers
Some say there’s no better way to learn Spanish than reading—especially if your goal is to master the grammar first. Once you pass the beginner’s phase and you’ve learned the vocabulary you need to engage in meaningful reading, you’ll be inspired to read in Spanish as often as possible. Reading not only provides you with more vocabulary, but also shows you ways to structure your ideas, exposes you to idioms and cultural expressions, and offers a window into Spanish grammar.
Grammar Charts
Lastly, keep a language journal where you document all you’ve learned for quick reference. List your grammar elements using a chart. You can add a schedule to it and make sure you add at least one new topic to your chart each week. After a few months, you’ll have several subjects that you can start to combine. Because, ultimately, grammar makes no sense until you put everything together.
Remember that there’s no one “best way to learn Spanish grammar,” but many different ways to do it. The best way is one that best fits your circumstances, needs, and goals.
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