Chinese is one of the most popular East Asian languages.
The most commonly used Chinese dialect is extracted from the Beijing dialect. Chinese is also considered to be a pretty historically rich language. As per a recent study, about 16% of the world’s population uses Chinese as their first language, which would mean over 1.3 billion people use Chinese on a daily basis. Standard Chinese is also the official language of the Republic of China and The People’s Republic of China.
Let’s now see whether learning Chinese for fun is a good idea
After Japanese, Russian, and Hindi, Chinese is regarded as one of the most difficult languages to master.
It is not as simple to learn as French or German for an English native speaker, but it is undoubtedly one of the most advantageous languages to learn owing to its global significance. Keeping this in mind, some people learn languages just as a challenge or for enjoyment. In this blog, we’ll analyse learning Chinese for the sake of amusement or as a modest personal goal is even worthwhile or feasible.
There is an abundance of languages in the world and each language has its own benefits and advantages that any individual who achieves proficiency in the said language can avail themselves.
Considering that, most individuals tend to learn specific languages so as to be able to utilise the advantages or benefits in the future to expand their career prospects and job opportunities. Some individuals also learn such languages to be able to pursue higher education abroad. With that said, certain individuals simply learn a language as a hobby or just for fun. While there is nothing wrong in that, certain languages can be rather tough to master just for fun.
When we consider Chinese as a language that needs to be mastered by another individual, there is absolutely no doubt that this language is one of the most beneficial languages in the world apart from being extremely influential as well.
With that said, it is also very notorious for being one of the toughest languages in the world to master. If you are thinking about mastering Chinese just for fun, then I do not suggest the same as it is way too tough to be mastered as a hobby. Unless and until there is a set goal, in accordance to which you’re mastering this language, It wouldn’t be worth mastering just for fun. But, if you are looking for a challenge, then this language is a pretty good choice.
Throughout this blog, we have discussed all the different reasons why learning Chinese simply for fun might not be the best idea.
If you learn Chinese for a specific purpose, like mastering it for the purpose of expanding your career prospects or job opportunities, then dedicating the said effort would make sense. But, solely because Chinese is a rather difficult language to master, trying to learn simply for fun might not be the best idea, unless you are looking for a competition or a challenge.