Italian is a Romance language of the Indo-European family of languages that is developed from the Roman Empire’s Latin and is the Romance languages’ closest living relative.
Speaking out loud as often as feasible at home while monitoring your pronunciation can help you learn much quicker than if you listen silently, which requires some knowledge of the Italian language levels.
Before exploring all Italian language levels, we should know the origin of these levels i.e., CEFR levels. All language levels throughout the world are based on CEFR levels.
Let’s see what are these levelof language assessment for Italian Language
CEFR Levels
People frequently refer to their proficiency in a language while discussing it among themselves in Europe’s language learning community. They can state things like, “I communicate in French at a B1 level,” or “I am taking an Italian language course, and I am in A2 grammar and discussion.”
The European council devised the CEFR between 1966 and 1989 with the goal of providing a way of learning, teaching, and evaluating that is applicable to all dialects in Europe. The European Council suggested utilising the CEFR to set up systems of language competency evaluation in November 2001.
There are six levels in the CEFR: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2. The six benchmark levels are commonly acknowledged as the European norm for rating a person’s fluency in more than 40 different languages. Each level is separated into four types of competencies (language abilities), describing what a student is expected to be able to perform in reading, listening, speaking, and writing, which is nearly followed by every language around the world.
Levels of Italian Language:
A1 beginners:
At the A1 CEFR level, a language scholar:
- Can comprehend and apply extremely basic language to meet specific needs.
- Can identify themselves and others, as well as respond to questions regarding personal information such as where they reside, who they know, and what they own.
- Can interact with anyone as long as they talk slowly and clearly.
A2 elementary:
At the A2 CEFR level, a language scholar:
- Can comprehend statements and commonly used expressions in most intermediate fields, such as shopping, family, work, and so on.
- Can communicate in easy and ordinary jobs that necessitate a direct and straightforward sharing of information on familiar and routine topics.
- Can explain their background, present environment, and problems of immediate concern in basic terms.
B1 Intermediate:
At the B1 CEFR level, a language scholar:
- Can comprehend the essential points of clear standard information on issues that are frequently encountered at work, school, or in relaxation.
- Can deal with the majority of issues that may happen while travelling in a language-speaking area.
- Can write small connected sentences on topics that are familiar to them or that they are interested in.
- Can briefly express stories and activities, as well as dreams, desires, and objectives, as well as thoughts and plans.
B2 Upper Intermediate:
At the B2 CEFR level, a language scholar:
- Can comprehend the major points of a complicated text on both practical and abstract themes, including detailed discussions in their area of expertise.
- Can communicate with native speakers with a level of proficiency and flexibility that allows for communicating regularly without strain for both parties.
- Can write clear, extensive language on a variety of topics and convey a point of view on a current situation, including the benefits and drawbacks of several options.
C1 Advanced:
At the C1 CEFR level, a language scholar:
- Can fully comprehend deeper meanings in a wide range of challenging, lengthier sentences.
- Can convey thoughts fluently and effortlessly without having to look for words.
- Can communicate effectively and creatively in social, academic, and professional settings.
- Can write clear, well-structured, thorough material on complex subjects using organisational patterns, linkages, and cohesive devices in a sensible manner.
C2 Proficiency:
At the C2 CEFR level, a language scholar:
- Can comprehend almost everything that is said or written easily.
- Can synthesise information from a variety of oral and written sources, reassembling arguments and accounts into a logical presentation.
- Can communicate freely, fluently, and precisely in a variety of contexts, distinguishing finer shades of meaning.
Language learners frequently casually refer to the levels when describing their proficiency in speaking, reading, writing, and comprehending a language. However, for individuals looking to certify their skill level, exams and certificates are available.
Register in Multibhashi’ s classes to learn Italian quickly, and you’ll learn everything there is to know about the language. Multibhashi will issue you a certificate of completion at the end of the programme. Best wishes for your future endeavours!