“What can I do every day to improve my Italian skills” is the question that arises once the process of learning Italian starts. You have probably just started learning or are stuck at a point where you find it difficult to move further.
Let us first understand that learning a language needs consistency and practice in all aspects of reading, writing, listening and speaking. Thus, ensure to take out time for these activities, even if it is in smaller chunks every day and you will find yourself on the path to improving Italian successfully.
Now let us look at the different things that you can do to improve your Italian skills on a daily basis.
Make notes and refer to them regularly. When learning a new language, we come across new vocabulary all the time. Make sure to write the words that you don’t understand and try to relate and use them in your daily life. Also, make notes of the grammatical structure and sentences that you pick up every day. These notes can be very handy when you would like to review and use the concepts in further learning.
Immerse yourself into the language. The Internet has made immersion into Italian possible without having to move to Italy. You can listen to Italian audio, watch movies or shows or change the language settings of your gadgets to Italian.
Find ways to practice the language on a daily basis. Maintain a personal journal in Italian. You can even stick notes or names of things and related short sentences and expressions at different areas in your house such as the kitchen. Relate the new vocabulary that you learn with things that you already know.
You might just be interested in learning how to speak Italian. However, practising the alphabet and understanding the basic level of writing can be of great help in improving your Italian skills. Also, you can start with reading kids books which are in very simple language and are apt for learners.
To be able to speak well, it is important to practice good listening skills. Train your ears to listen to the language because native speakers normally speak at a faster pace which is usually difficult for people who are learning Italian as a foreign language. The regular listening practice would not only help you get accustomed to how the language sounds but also help you in understanding proper pronunciation.
Make an effort to understand Italian culture. A language and its culture are closely related. Thus, understanding various traditional practices and cultural aspects of Italy could also help you understand the nuances of the language which is very important for fluency.
Try to understand what works for you when it comes to learning a new language. Not everything works for everybody. Depending on your individual style of learning which could be audiovisual or through textbooks make use of the right resources.
Finally, as you practice these steps according to what works for you, ensure that you also learn from a teacher who helps you learn the language in an organized manner while helping you practice the language as well.
You can find expert teachers at Multibhashi who can help you learn Italian irrespective of the level that you are at.