What is the best way to learn Russian vocabulary?
Learning new words is a very interesting thing and at the same time, it is very important while learning any new language. And a lot of people struggle to learn vocabulary while learning a new language. Learning new vocabulary is indeed a bit tough, but if you follow some tips and techniques, you will learn new vocabulary within no time. And this is also applicable to Russian vocabulary. We have to put a little more effort to learn the vocabulary. If you follow some techniques you will be able to learn Russian vocabulary faster. Many times the more traditional methods are less effective. You need to mix and match some creative methods along with traditional methods to make Russian vocabulary learning more effective.
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Work more with the association
More often our mind works with associations. While learning something, we try to link new pieces of information to the ones that we already know. By linking both we can remember what we are learning very effectively, otherwise, there remains a huge chance of forgetting. While learning vocabulary, it is like stuffing your mind with a huge number of words that are not linked to each other. In this case, you need to make more possible associations. So now the question comes, what kind of associations you can make? The answer is: When you are learning new Russian words, try to find the words with the same origin and the same root. This may seem easy to you at times. But in many cases, it is not. You can also link two words as they may sound or look similar. The more attention you pay to the words, the better you learn
Try to learn using mind maps
You need to start with a blank piece of paper and create mind maps. You need to write down the first word at the centre of the paper and then try to link words that you are learning or have learnt to this word graph based on anything that comes to your mind. You need to be very creative in this case.
Learn Russian vocabulary using visualization
Research reveals that visualization helps our mind to learn and remember fast. So, when you learn a new Russian word, try to see its image and also try to think that while conversation how will you apply this word. By doing this, you will be able to remember the word very effectively.
Read a lot
Read contents that are suitable for you and your level. Read different storybooks, magazines, articles that you are capable of understanding and while reading as you come across unknown words, write them down quickly in a notebook and see it’s meaning and also note down in what all context the same word can be used. This will help you to learn Russian vocabulary in a better way.
Keep a notebook and a dictionary handy
You need to carry a notebook and a dictionary whenever you sit for learning Russian vocabulary. Keep a note of all the new words you are learning along with their meaning. Go through them once every day. This will help you to learn better.
Learn Russian vocabulary according to context
Whenever you are learning Russian vocabulary, try to learn it contextwise. This will help you to understand the word in a better way and also will help you to understand the usage of the world remember the word well. By this method, you will be able to learn when and in which situation to use the word. This lets you to learn and remember the word permanently.
Speak loud and write down
While learning Russian vocabulary you need to speak out the words loudly as you learn them. speaking the words loudly your brain is able to to capture the words well and it helps your brain to remember the word permanently. Along with speaking out loud you also need to write down the words in a notebook as we know that writing down something while learning helps us to learn in a better way.
Practice and practice
The age-old golden proverb “practice makes a man perfect” is an absolute truth which no one can deny. You need to keep on practising to enhance your learning. Without practice, it is not possible to learn Russian vocabulary. So focus more on practice along with learning.
The above-said methods are very much effective for learning Russian vocabulary. You can even try out more innovative methods for learning Russian vocabulary. For learning Russian language course you can trust Multibhashi‘s online language learning classes. You can book Russian courses with Multibhashi for better results. All the best!