wanderer Hōrō-sha


wanderer = Hōrō-sha

Pronunciation =  wanderer

Pronunciation in Japanese = 放浪者

wanderer in Japanese: Hōrō-sha

Part of speechnoun 

Definition in English: to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction 

Definition in Japanese: リラックスした方法で、または明確な目的や方向性なしにゆっくり歩き回る

Examples in English:

  • He had become a wanderer in search of peace.

Examples in Japanese:

  • 彼は平和を求めて放浪者になっていた。

Synonyms of wanderer

Synonyms in Japanese トレッカー,
Synonyms in English traveller, tourist, adventurer

Antonyms of wanderer

Antonyms in Japanese 住人
Antonyms in English denizen, inhabitant, Habitant, dweller, settler, homebody, resident.

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