How to learn Chinese at a young age

Introduction: Ever observed how kids pick up new technology faster than you. When it comes to learning new things, children have an advantage over adults. Children can spend more time when compared to adults learning new things. Here are some kid-friendly ways that can make learning Chinese at a young age fun and easy. Have…

Where can I learn Chinese in Chennai

Introduction: Chinese language family consists of between seven and thirteen language groups of which the most widely spoken is Mandarin Chinese with 850 million Mandarin Chinese speakers worldwide and it is the official language of the People’s Republic of China, as well as one of the four official languages of Singapore and other parts of…

What is your motivation for learning Kannada

Introduction: Learning Kannada is a rewarding, fascinating, and occasionally frustrating experience. Yet sometimes the most challenging thing can be finding good learning resources and – especially if you’re not in Karnataka – practice opportunities. Some focus on the fulfillment of self-goals, while others look for guidance from others. Some people are lazy even when they…

Is it possible to learn Chinese after 40?

Introduction: Chinese is a group of language varieties that form the Sinitic branch of the Sino-Tibetan languages, spoken by the ethnic Han Chinese majority and many minority ethnic groups in Greater China. About 1.3 billion people (or approximately 16% of the world’s population) speak a variety of Chinese as their first language. The spoken varieties…