If you’re learning Korean, you’ll need to be able to read and write fluently. However, for those accustomed to the Roman alphabet, learning all of the additional characters of hangul, the Korean script, can be a difficult endeavor.
Improving the writing skills of any language is a bit of a difficult task, if you haven’t grasped the official language, you will necessarily find it difficult to cope with the writing skills. If the notion of learning a new writing system makes you nervous, don’t worry: there are plenty of things you can do to boost your language and writing skills.
Ways to improve Korean writing skills
Do a lot of active writing
Your writing skills will grow faster if you read a lot. However, rather than simply reading, active reading is essential. By active reading, we mean paying attention to the structure of the sentences and the words used, rather than just reading to understand the material.
All sentences should be treated as model sentences, and you should strive to comprehend how verb conjugations are employed about tense, speaker, and context; how sentences are formed with various types of connectors; and what additional grammatical elements and phrases are utilised, among other things. You’ll learn how to communicate various thoughts in a variety of ways in this manner.
Think in Korean
Foreign language students are accustomed to thinking in their native tongue before translating their thoughts into Korean. This strategy is helpful in the beginning, but it becomes a barrier once you’ve progressed above the beginner level. The reason for this is that in your mother tongue, you have a wide vocabulary and grammar, yet in your target language, you are barely above a child’s level. As a result, when you consider a topic in your first language, you have incredibly sophisticated thinking and construct large and beautiful sentences.
However, you lack the necessary skills to translate your thoughts into sentences in your target language. As a result, phrases are inaccurate and difficult to grasp, and paragraphs are incoherent. Instead, it is preferable to think in the language you are studying because this will keep your thoughts focused on your knowledge, vocabulary, and grammar, allowing you to compose a clear and understandable article.
Write regularly
Isn’t it fairly self-evident? Someone who writes 10 Korean sentences every day is almost always better than someone who sits down once a month and writes 30 pages. It’s crucial to write regularly. You don’t have to write an essay every day on a different topic. It could be about anything – something you did that day, someone you met, a location you visited, or something you saw. Every day, you can simply post a short Korean text on Facebook or Twitter. It will raise you, and you might even receive some positive feedback as a result.
Get your Writing checked
It’s important to get your works evaluated by a native Korean speaker or someone whose Korean is superior to yours regularly so that you can learn from your mistakes and develop. If you only keep your writing to yourself, you may develop the habit of mistakenly using certain words and language, which will be tough to fix later. You can also get your writings examined by a native speaker through various forums such as in Multibhashi, where you will find experts to check your answers.
Watch movies with subtitles
Some South Korean films have earned widespread fame, most notably the gripping drama Oldboy, which has inspired an English-language version. Many outstanding Korean films, on the other hand, are still largely unknown outside of the nation.
If you watch these movies with subtitles, you’ll have a good sense of how spoken and written speech are related. To obtain an understanding of how specific words and phrases are translated, start with English subtitles and then switch to Korean subtitles.
Sing karaoke
K-pop is extremely popular in South Korea, and it has recently gained popularity in the English-speaking world.
Listening to K-pop is undeniably an excellent method to improve your listening abilities. However, you may improve your reading and speaking skills by singing along to these songs’ karaoke-style (just search for the song’s name followed by “karaoke” on YouTube). You can also identify the words clearly and later it will help you in writing in the Korean language.
Study with an excellent coursebook
A high-quality coursebook is an excellent purchase for beginners or those who are serious about learning the complexities of the Korean language. They provide numerous reading and writing tasks as well as comprehensive, extensive explanations of the Korean writing system’s reasoning.
Multibhashi is an online Edu-tech language learning platform wherein they provide high-quality language training of any language such as the Korean language with great efficiency along with expert’s educators to teach the Korean language.
With this above list, you must have a little bit of idea to approach your writing skills and improve them gradually. Multibhashi Language Learning Sessions are a wonderful option if you want to study any language from scratch or to an advanced degree.