How to learn French well in the shortest time?
French descended from the Vulgar Latin of the Roman Empire, as did all Romance languages. The language of love belongs to the Indo-European family. It is an official language in 29 countries across multiple continents, most of which are members of the Organization Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), a community of 84 countries that share the official use or teaching of French. Essentially, because of its uncanny parallels to other Romance languages such as Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and so on, knowing French alone will undoubtedly give you a head start on learning the others. Learning French helps one improve his artistic and critical thinking skills. It is a global language as recognized by the United Nations and a very influential language as it is a language of culture, including art, cuisine, dance, and fashion. French is also the 18th most natively spoken language in the world, the 6th most spoken language by a total number of speakers and the second or third most studied language worldwide.
Let's now look at how you can learn French in the shortest possible time. French can be learnt in the following ways, in the shortest possible time:
Set long term and short term measurable goals for yourself.
Divide the learning topics into smaller chunks for better learning dedicating time for study each day. Read a lot of authentic literature and create an environment of immersion at home to further your studies.
Find conversation partners for yourself to start talking in Italian.
Begin your search from the neighbourhood, by attending a French get-together, by shopping in a French grocery shop, volunteering for the French community around you. In absence of all these, you could find one online at Hellotalk, Italki, Conversationpartner, Languagepartner, Tandem both as paid and free help.
Don’t feel shy to make mistakes.
Beginners must give away the inhibition of making mistakes. If it’s going to deter you to talk; you will never be able to talk! So I suggest, embrace your mistakes, know it’s okay to make mistakes during learning and trust yourself to be better with each passing day.
Join a group course.
I recommend all serious learners of French to opt for classroom study, online or offline, but in group sessions. In this manner, you would have multiple people to learn with and you won’t feel awkward making mistakes around them.
Maintain a journal or a diary to improve your vocabulary
When you are learning a new language you need to gradually step up your learning. The first step should be starting to talk in small sentences that help you convey the same meaning as the complex ones. Fill your diary or journal with connectors, fillers commonly used phrases instead of just words!
Read aloud.
Read the newly acquired vocabulary loudly to yourself in the mirror or to your pet or a plant to feel secure while making mistakes in pronunciation. Try talking in sentences as though you are conversing with someone. Read the transcript of the audio clips you have heard numerous times before, and try to talk along the audio picking on accent and pronunciation.
To stay interested in learning French by keeping it light! Watch French movies with subtitles in English or your native tongue(if available)and enable French titles to movies in English and your native tongue(if available). Speak up the dialogues as if you were the original speaker, maintaining the tonal variation, pitch, accent and pronunciation.
The language allows you to enter the culture of over 300 million French speakers in more than 50 countries worldwide. Owing to France’s past overseas expansion, today, there are numerous French-based creole languages, most notably Haitian Creole. In both English and French, a French-speaking individual or nation is referred to as a Francophone. Surprisingly, the language of love and culture is also a language of analysis. It emphasises logic, reasoning, and critical thinking. French equips students with crucial abilities for discussions such as bargaining and case presentation. Learning French also aids in the acquisition of more than one language.
If you consider learning French then Multibhashi offers great French courses, Click here, to enrol.