German Language
German is one of the best European language. It is the official language of these countries: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, and Switzerland. This language follows CEFR rules. CEFR means common European framework of references. Under CEFR, you can judge your abilities in the language. You can officially validate your proficiency in the language which you have learned. There are six levels in CEFR, and they are A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2. A1 and A2 are elemental, B1 and B2 are intermediate, and C1 and C2 are advanced levels of CEFR. Whatever levels you choose, please note all these levels are different from each other. Before you choose any level, please make sure that you know the topics you will be learning at these levels. Please use this link to check what you will be learning in all these levels:
Learning German
Before you start learning German, it is important to know why you are looking to learn this language? Maybe you are on a spiritual path and want to confess your love to your divine mother and divine father. Maybe you are looking for a job in these countries. The reasons can vary from person to person. You also need to decide how much time you can devote on a daily basis to learn this language. Everyone has their own learning curve. Some understand quickly, while some take time to learn this language late. Time is an essential factor which we need to devote every day to learn this language. In this article, we will see how you can learn every day by spending 5 minutes daily:

Ways to Learn:
It is the site that you can use to learn this every day for 5 minutes. Please visit this site for more details about this website:
It is one of the best techniques which you can use to improve your German skills. Using this technique, you can write the German words on a notepad that you have and practice it daily. You can also write one or more words on a notepad and see if you are able to remember it. The more you write, the chances are high for you to learn this language in a short span of time.
It is one of the best things which you can use to improve your reading skills in this language. Take your 5 minutes from your daily time and read the texts in German. Please see if you are able to understand it. The basic purpose of doing this reading practice is to improve your reading skills.
Listening to videos and music:
There are multiple videos available in the German language, especially in YouTube, which you can watch from your smartphone and IOS phone. Whenever you have 5 minutes, it does not matter whether in the afternoon, morning or at night, you need to watch it for 5 minutes.

There are other ways also available like playing games in German by downloading any application from Google play store/Apple store. Please share in the comment box if you know any other way.