Kannada was first written down as Tamil words. The Kadamba and Calukya scripts were combined to create the Kannada alphabet. Kannada is a simple language to pick up. Kannada is the native language of around 40 million people. It is considered one of India’s 22 national languages. Kannada is a language that agglutinates. As a result, affixes are used to convey grammatical functions. There are four regional dialect groupings in the language. The dialect reveals the origins of the speakers. Additionally, their language can be used to determine their social level. Kannada belongs to the Dravidian family of languages. The majority of these languages are spoken in southern India.
Learn Kannada
1. Online Classes
- Learn Kannada
This Kannada learning app assists people in becoming more familiar with spoken Kannada. You can begin by learning simple words and sentences that you can use on a daily basis and work your way up to more difficult ones. There are 300 sentences and 800 words in the application that may be readily searched. Aside from that, there are many sections including sample dialogues, punctuation guides, and frequent words.
Consider the most fundamental method of language acquisition. With Kannada, this Kannada Learning App accomplishes just that. It comprises categorically organized sentences that can be used to find common phrases and sentences. Voice aid is a useful function that saves time while also allowing you to listen to the pronunciation. It aids in the development of good vocabulary, punctuation, and language learning.
- Kannada Translator Dictionary:
This free Kannada learning app assists you in learning Kannada by translating words and phrases from English to Kannada and back. The app can be used as a dictionary and has voice input. The nicest aspect is that it allows you to share your translations with others. It is simple to learn Kannada, especially from the perspective of a tourist or traveller.
2. Youtube
Another fun way to learn Kannada is to watch videos on YouTube. You may listen to someone speak, and this is how you pick up new information. You expand your vocabulary and improve your speaking skills. You can do so by subscribing to the Kannada TV channel.
3. Books
Books are a treasure trove of information. Reading boosts your knowledge and talents. If you’re a newbie, begin by reading short stories for youngsters. Manga Method is a service where you may read comic novels online. Kannada is a language that is full of amusement. There are a lot of good Kannada movies to watch. It makes learning enjoyable. Films such as
- Learn Kannada- On amazon
- Chowka
- Kannada learning in 30 days
I hope these pointers make learning simple and enjoyable. And, of course, don’t forget to get expert assistance from Multibhashi if you’re having trouble understanding the language.