If you want to learn a new language from basic and to write in a language completely different from your own can be challenging. The Chinese phonetic alphabet is also known as bopomofo, after its first four letters: bo, po, mo, and fo, similar to English as we use the alphabet as “the ABCs.”
Why is Learning the Chinese Alphabet Important?
Alphabet’s are building blocks of language. If you try to learn how to write in Chinese without learning its alphabet is like trying to build a brick house without touching the individual bricks. But that is impossible. So do not hurry up in your learning process. Learning the alphabets play an important role in learning the language
After you start recognizing symbols and words, you will be interested and motivated to learn even faster. Just by learning the basics of the alphabet, you will start recognizing simple Chinese words, and it will feel great!
If you learned individual letters then it even helps with pronunciation, when you are simply listening to the words.
After completing the Chinese alphabet, it will give you an excellent start in learning how to write and read the language. Also, it will be a great foundation on which you can build language skills.
Read the secrets of the Chinese alphabet to learn quickly and effectively.
Learning the Chinese alphabet:
In Chinese, there are two systems of writing the alphabet, the pinyin system, used by mainland China, and the Zhuyin system used by Taiwan.
You should know the Difference Between Pinyin and Zhuyin to select the system to learn
The pinyin system uses the ABCs that are used by English speakers. And the Zhuyin system uses symbols.
So you will be wondering Which system should you learn
More people in China use the pinyin system as more common. If you are an English speaker you already know your ABCs, So you do not have to learn a full new set of symbols for learning pinyin.
But many English learners struggle to pronounce Chinese exactly because they will be trying to pronounce pinyin similar to the way they pronounce English. They do this without having consciousness and it will be hard to change.
Of course, there are a lot of similarities between pinyin and English phonetics. But also have a lot of differences as well. So it may confuse you to learn two pronunciation systems for the same written alphabet.
But learning pinyin is easy.
If you have an interest to learn Zhuyin, it might help you avoid some common pronunciation mistakes but be ready to learn from the core
Chinese “letters” are divided into initials, medials, and finals. Initials will start the word, medials are in the middle, and finals will end the word. For example, the word “Zhong,” meaning “center, middle”.
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