Learning Sanskrit
The point here is to put yourself in such a situation where you have ample exposure for growth. If you place yourself in cases where you can speak or write the language, you will grow better in learning that language. Our brain will automatically brainstorm as it will have no other option but to attempt to use that new language. But like any different language, practice is the key. You must consciously put in efforts and create occasions for yourself where you can utilize the said language. You must allow yourself to step out of the comfort zone and not to let yourself step back. It requires dedication, but the efforts will be worthwhile.
The first and foremost step to learning Sanskrit is to accept that it is just another language. Sanskrit is not impossible to understand, and neither is it too challenging. The problem is that most people do not know how to or do not have the heart to.
Learning any language can be done very easily by following these steps, not strictly in this order:-
- Watch movies, TV series, or documentaries in the language you wish to study. This helps because you are able to correlate the words and sentences with images. It lets you recall a similar situation later.
- Study the language actively by using online courses and videos on YouTube and various informative blogs. How interested and involved you determine how quickly you can learn a language.
- Read and listen to the news in the language. News always has a variety of elements that need to be described. Through news, vocabulary can be developed quickly.
- Use dictionary and Grammar books to learn the rules of the language better. Often the written form and the spoken form of a language have slight differences from each other. This step will let you bridge that gap.
- Books in the language and Wikipedia will also help a lot as these have different ways of forming sentences. There are vast collections of books available online, and Sanskrit Wikipedia is also easily accessible in the case of Sanskrit.
- Speak with native speakers or experts of the language. Experience is the greatest teacher and these people will often have more knowledge due to regular use of the language.
- While I said that Sanskrit is just another language, it still is one of the oldest. Sanskrit is considered to be the language of God, and it must be respected so.

As you go through your day and practice using your learned new language, the key is to resist the urge to feel conscious about your conversation. Instead, drag yourself out of your comfort zone and put yourself in situations where you are vulnerable to use the newly learned language. Only when you start noticing and learning from the ups and downs of the learning process will you succeed in your journey, giving you more learning opportunities. Do not be afraid of mistakes. The more mistakes, the better is the learning!
Success in learning a new language comes when you try. Following this technique will make learning your new language easier and more fun. By placing yourself in situations where you are forced to use your learned language, you’re bound to learn faster.