What is the proper way to learn French on your own?
Most of us must have learned to ride the cycle in childhood. Recall the time when in the beginning you found it very difficult to ride a bicycle but then gradually you learned to ride it. What I mean when I say so, is that when you learn something, you face a lot of challenges in the beginning and learning the language is no exception, so invest your commitment, efforts, time, hard work and dedication to
learn any language, then you will certainly learn the target language very soon. To learn a language, you can seek help from a tutor, join an online class, but if you want to learn the language without any help, you can still achieve remarkable progress using proper ways to learn a language on your own?’
Let's see what we can do to make it work for us.
To learn any language, having an interest in it is the most important thing.
Firstly, you should try to seek more information about the French language from so many available online resources. Start by making a list of a few common words, phrases and sentences used in day-to-day life – such as Hello, How are you, Good Morning, Good Night, What is your name, Nice to meet you, see you, Goodbye in the language.
Choose the best method that works for you.
Memorize the words you learn. Repeat them again and again and try to speak in a French accent. If you understand better by reading, then you can buy a book, reading a French newspaper online, if you understand quickly by watching something, then you can watch any French videos or movies and if you understand better by listening, then you can take help of podcasts, audiobooks, talk shows, recorded audio lessons or just about anything that suits you. Whatever is the method of learning, perseverance is a must.
Now for the speaking bit!
Seek conversation partners
Consider yourself lucky if you find a genuine native French speaker in your neighbourhood. In all possibilities, it won’t be an impossible task unless you live in Asian countries! For those challenged to find a conversation partner, I suggest using all available resources from the internet. Doing so will enable you to make new friends, learn their slangs, hear them use day-to-day French – while you will be using academic French, learn their dialect, culture with festivals etc. You will not only be able to talk to them in French, but they can also give you feedback on any areas of improvement.
Commitment! Nothing can be achieved without it!
Stay committed
Commitment is very important. Keep a fixed time of day to learn the French language and try to give that much time daily to learn this language. Keep practising because practice makes a man perfect. Keep reading, writing, speaking without apprehension, listening, just about something in that language each day. If you like cooking, read French magazines, cook blogs related to it. If you have an interest in fashion or lifestyle, then read online magazines, books or blogs related to it. Read aloud because by doing you can catch yourself going wrong and identify areas of improvement to improve your accent.
Finally, don't get deterred. Hold your ground firmly.
Don’t lose heart or give up. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Resume focus with intensified commitment and attention. Use French words in everyday conversation. Maintain confidence in yourself because this is the only thing that can make every difficulty easier.