Japanese language
Japanese is one of the fastest-growing languages these days. People all over the world are showing interest in learning this language. Moreover, they also want to know what we need to learn and how to learn it. Before you answer these questions, let me share some important points that you can try even at home or in the office to learn this language. You can try these important greetings in Japanese anywhere. People will be surprised and can ask you this question: Are you learning this language? Well, you can answer no, I am not. Let us see some of the essential greetings which you can use while speaking to someone in Japanese:
1 Ohayōgozaimasu
It means Good morning. Whether we are meeting any stranger in a metro or bus or anywhere and if it is a known person, then this is what they use. Simply by saying Ohayōgozaimasu, people greet them in the morning. So you can also try this word. People would be surprised when they hear this word and can ask you to teach them the same.
2. Konnichiwa
It means Good afternoon. Whether we are in a meeting or watching and it is after 12:00 PM, always greet a person with this word. Simply, it does not take anything from you. If you are in the park or outside your office for lunch in a restaurant, please use this word.
3. Ogenkidesuka
It means how are you. Japanese people greet anyone by this word. Simple it is. You can try to pronounce it.
4 Arigatōgozaimashita
It means Thank you. Japanese people use this word when they need to say thank you to anyone. Thank you is one of the universal word. Say thank you to God, Divine father, and divine mother. Even strangers also say this word. You can also try to use this word.
5. Konbanwa
It means good evening. It is evening time, and you are going home and while travelling in bus or metro, you find people saying each other good evening. You can use this word in the evening at home or even in the office. People will definitely ask you to help them so they can use this word more efficiently.
6. Oyasumi
It means good night. When you are going to bed at night, then they say good night. Japanese people use this word. Please use this word. Try it once.
7. Gomen'nasai
It means Sorry. People often use this word when they need to say sorry to anyone. Japanese people often use this word.
8. Hai
It means yes. Japanese people often use this word when they need to say yes to anyone as it is an agreement in terms of numbers or anything.
9. Jā matane
It means, see you later. Japanese people use this word to express their love to anyone by using this word. You can also use this word.
10. Ha
It means OK. Japanese people use this word when they say OK.

I have included some top 10 greetings which you can try. Please let me know in the comment box if you know any other greetings