9 ways to make your self fluent in Hindi
Learning Hindi language is an amazing process. It is spoken by over 500 million people worldwide and is one of the main languages in India. Many (though not all!) Indians who might have Gujarati, Punjabi, Kannada, Tamil, Bengali or Marathi as their native tongue speak Hindi as a second language.
To be fluent in Hindi you need to follow some simple methods. Here are nine ways that can help you to make yourself fluent in Hindi.
1. Create a study schedule and set some goals. Many people are unorganized. Creating a schedule allows you to free up time and study consistently. Goals give you motivation and something to strive for.
2. Make it fun, if you learn how to make your study time enjoyable, chances are you will be more inclined to study. Watch a tv show with subtitle or listen to some music or songs in Hindi. You can listen to words online with the help of a Hindi dictionary that has a feature that lets you hear the words spoken, or you can watch films or listen to a Hindi podcast or watch a Hindi video.
3. Find a language partner. This is the best way to improve your conversation skills. It will help you gain fluency even faster and increase confidence while speaking.
4. Use a word list to build up a solid vocabulary. This is a great way to build up your fluency. One word at a time.
5. Don’t be afraid to make mistake. Nothing helps you improve more than correcting your own errors. You are more likely to remember correctly in the next turn around. Everyone makes mistakes, don’t be afraid to learn from them.
6. Practice with native speakers. Practising with native speakers is by far one of the most effective things you can do to improve your speaking abilities and increase your fluency. If you spark with a native speaker who will correct you and give you feedback then you will be well on your way to improve your speaking. Be a part of some native speaker’s community or join a language speaking club or cultural club or meet up with the native speaker to practise speaking in Hindi and increasing your fluency. You can even find native speakers online.
7. Devote time in learning Hindi pronunciation. Pronunciation often isn’t the first skill people think of working on when learning a new language. But that doesn’t mean that it isn’t important. A decent accent can help you to improve your listening and speaking abilities and become fluent in that particular language. And the case is the same for Hindi too. Being able to pronounce words and sounds makes it a lot easier for you to remember and understand new words simply by hearing them. Once you are fluent and have a good accent then you will be able to understand rapid speech and speak fluently. To learn a decent accent you need to dissect the language into three parts and learn them. First learn the letters, their pronunciation and then learn the words and then whole phrases. Listen to the audios in Hindi spoken by native speakers and try to compare your pronunciation with the native speaker’s pronunciation. Take a phrase from a lesson and start by practising individual words and record your voice, replay it and compare with the original audio and then combine the words to make complete phrases imitating the original audio. This precise method of pronunciation practice is one of the most efficient and effective ways to learn pronunciation.
8. Imitate and don’t just repeat what you hear. Anytime when you speak, do your best to imitate the speakers you have heard and practised with. Try to match the way their intonation rises and falls. Pay attention to their word order. You can even match them with their body language. This degree of imitation may seem weird at the beginning, but it will reinforce fluency in the language.
9. Learn the Hindi grammar part properly to become fluent in the language. Hindi grammar is a crucial part of achieving your fluency. The feminine and masculine versions are very important and you need to know the proper use of those to become fluent in Hindi.
Being fluent in a language is like playing music or dancing. You don’t want to just know it. You want to live in the moment and feel it as you use it. You don’t sit and think of what you are going to say. It may seem difficult at first but it is possible to become fluent in the language. There is no magic to become fluent in a language overnight. With little determination, focus, concentration, motivation and doing all of these can really help you increase your fluency. Even you can book an online Hindi class to become fluent in Hindi.