French is not only a very popular choice for many when it comes to learning a second language, it is also one of the most taught languages after English across the globe. There could be many reasons for you to learn French. Being proficient in French can increase your employment prospects, you can even work as a freelancer teaching, translating or interpreting or you could choose to learn French purely for personal reasons. Let us understand how you can learn French as a second language.

1. Join a class –
The best thing as a beginner is to join a French class. It allows you to learn French from an expert. The learning could happen in a very structured and organized manner. You could choose a regular or an online class depending on your learning style and convenience. Both give you the same benefit. If you are learning French for conversational purposes, rather than starting with the alphabet and vocabulary memorization you could choose to learn phrases and expressions that are most used and needed for your regular conversation. This could be greetings, or simple conversational phrases for daily communication.
2. Focus on grammar –
The initial greetings and daily conversational phrases are great to begin with, but to make progress in any language grammar is important. Thus, ss you learn simple phrases and vocabulary and also pay attention to how sentences are constructed in French. This would help you use your newly acquired vocabulary in sentences as you make progress in your French learning.
Practicing with a partner through a language exchange partner is definitely a great way of improving your French communication. But this step would come a little later because the pace of a native speaker in any language is faster than what you hear in a classroom environment. It is a good idea to practice French listening skills especially the native speakers to get accustomed to their pace and then practice with a native speaker.
A language is not just about grammar and vocabulary. It is also about traditions and culture. If you are learning French without understanding their culture and traditional practices it would be very difficult to understand the language in a nuanced and subtle manner which is an essential element if you are planning to become proficient in French.
3. Never compare yourself with others –
Every individual has a different learning style and pace of learning. Thus, always focus on your learning and how far have you come from the first day when you started.
4. The more you practice the better it is –
Find different ways to practice your French language skills. If you are living in a country where you can associate with French speaking people, you can interact with them to improve your language skills. For those who are learning through various other modes it is important to find your own creative ways of immersing yourself in the language and putting your knowledge to practice in every possible situation.
Listen to French audio, keep a notebook handy to make a note of new words or phrases that you come across, find opportunities to speak in French, watch French movies and shows and practice consistently to learn French as a second language.