Looking for some lessons to learn Intermediate Bangla Langauge and Culture? Read ahead; it may be of help to you!
Bengali is the national and official language of Bangladesh and it is one of the top ten most spoken languages in the world, which comprise 98% of the population in Bangladesh
In India, it’s also spoken in the West Bengal state in the states of Tripura and Assam. About 85% of the people in West Bengal speak Bengali. Bengali plays an important role in Kolkata where over half of Kolkata’s population speaks Bengali.
What is the relationship between language and culture?
Language and culture are connected. There is a close relationship between language and culture because it is not possible for us to understand a culture without language, and we cannot understand a language without culture. Even if the language has a minor dialect, people living in certain areas share their common cultural values, language and a set of beliefs.
Let’s see how Bangla Language and Culture are connected for intermediate learning
Why is Language an Important Part of Culture?
Language is more important than culture, which helps people to communicate. It has sound and written elements for communication with each other. Language has a certain set of characters, rules, grammar, and so on, still, there is a relationship between language and culture. Any language is learned from some of the aspects like writing or rules, teaching the language which is more important.
Intermediate Bangla Language and Culture
In the intermediate Bangla Language and Culture, you will learn about the course that is based on the integration of interpersonal, Interpretive, and Presentational activities. You will have the communicative tasks through Standard Bengali and you can practice the perspectives of the Bengali culture(s). You will also learn grammar, vocabulary, and structures at the intermediate level to build a base for Bengali language learning.
You will also learn to have one to one virtual communication in culturally suitable ways with users at home. By using a series of sentences, and connected sentences, you can create and conclude conversations on different topics and handle transactions in culturally appropriate methods. You can communicate some culturally appropriate vocabulary, expressions, and gestures for everyday interactions.
You can also transfer information related to areas such as specific events, hobbies, or lifestyles, and provide descriptions of people and things, talk about family history, or career plans. You will learn to use the Bangla language for situations such as asking directions from one place to another, telling how to access information online and conversations that apply in everyday situations. Moreover, you will also be trained to handle a situation with a complication at an intermediate level.
Finally, Learning Intermediate Bangla Language and Culture is definitely a challenge which gives you a rewarding experience in your learning process
Moreover you can enhance your knowledge in Bangla Language and cultures at the intermediate level under various disciplines. If you want to learn Bengali then register yourself with Multibhashi and take a free demo class to learn the language easily. All the best!!